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How to Grab that First Shift

Having officially become a GIG Seeker, we imagine you’re quite eager to get things rolling and grab your first shift. We love the enthusiasm and we also understand that you might have some questions as to how you can make GIG work best for you and your lifestyle.

We hear you. Here’s some advice, tips and important reminders to help you embrace the GIG Lifestyle and become our next Seeker of the month.

I’ve been accepted onto the GIG platform, so what do I do next?

The beauty of our Seeker app is that it’s simple, flexible and instant. After registering online and meeting the team, all you need to do is Log-on, Search and Accept shifts. Upon searching for jobs through the GIG Seeker app, keep a look-out for Provider requirements such dress code, time, skills and of course – pay. The more you use GIG, the more you’ll get out of it and it all starts with finding the right job that suits you and your experience. It’s important that this app works for YOU so get searching!

Optimise your profile to stand out from the rest – it’s easy, fast and effective.

Did you know that 93% amount of our Seekers working today use a photo in their profile? This is a bit of a no-brainer but we all know that standing out in the crowd will get you attention – obviously for the right reasons. If you want to be accepted for more jobs then you can’t go wrong with the following:

Upload a clean, professional headshot. Providers want to get a good impression of you and a visual certainly helps to make you come across as professional, neat and ready to get working.

Keep your ‘relevant work experience’ concise, straightforward and honest. It’s important to keep the Provider updated and to add to your experience so you can be accepted for more roles at a higher pay!

Don’t sell yourself short. It’s important to get yourself across on the GIG app and show Providers your enthusiasm, so don’t forget to leave some informative, positive words in the comment section when applying – the more you interact, the more you’ll get back!

Check-in/Check-out? But...I’ve already been accepted for the job, haven’t I?

This is an important one but it’s as easy as scanning your groceries at Tescos. In order to get paid for the hours you worked, you must check-in and check-out through the app when starting and finishing a shift. It’s incredibly simple and it gives you direct proof and control over the hours you work so don’t forget to click that check-in button and get the money you’re entitled to. If you have any issues then our accounts team are on hand to help, so if you’re worried you’re unable to check-in our out then give us a call and we’ll ensure your hours are still logged accordingly.

Communicate and keep us updated – we’re happy to chat

We want you to be as prepared as possible for your shift and we’re here to help. Our app will provide you with all the necessary information you’ll need to stay prepared but if you’re having any trouble with running late, have to cancel or even have a question then don’t be scared to contact us, our Accounts team are here for you!

After all, we’re a modern-day recruiter and our app is here to suit your lifestyle, so if things suddenly change then don’t be scared to let us or the Provider know so we can still get the position filled and keep you update with further opportunities.

Make it your personal work diary and embrace the GIG Lifestyle

We want you to get the best out of the app, which is why we’ve made our app interface simple and straight forward. Don’t forget to prioritise what YOU want to get out for the GIG Lifestyle, whether it’s the pay, job-type, location or meeting more people, we want GIG to work for YOU.


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